Imagine you have an interview lined up for the best customer service role ever from s1jobs but you’re a little nervous.
Now imagine you’ve a feathered friend sitting on your shoulder, prompting you with the right answers and keeping you calm and focused . . . yes, it’s none other a pirate’s best friend.
Let’s find out what they’re telling you, so that you can put in your best performance and not get in a flap.
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Unfurl the mainsail!
The worst thing you can do on the day of your interview is risk being late.
Not only does bad timekeeping create a terrible impression but it needlessly increases your own stress levels.
So plan your journey in advance. Even try a dummy run so you know your timing is spot on with no hidden delays or unexpected detours.
Who’s a pretty boy (girl)?
However unfair it might seem, your interviewer can often make a snap judgment at the point of meeting you for the first time.
First impressions do count. That’s why you should exude confidence as you smile and offer a firm handshake with full eye contact.
This is also a reminder to select the best interview outfit.
Customer service is about dealing with the public, often face to face, so be sure to reflect the company’s dress code.
Pieces of eight!
Your potential new employer is unlikely to be dealing in pirate treasure but it’s worth asking relevant questions about pay and work conditions.
Beyond this, get a grasp of the company ethos. Is this a workplace where you can see yourself developing your customer service career?
Yo, ho, ho!
No, not a call for a bottle of rum . . . but a gentle reminder not to lose your sense of humour. When faced with the stress an interview situation can bring, smiling and keeping the tone lighthearted will help calm your nerves and show a side of your personality that will be invaluable in any customer service role.
Steady as she goes!
There will always be one question you didn’t see coming that threatens to blow you off-course.
Pause and take a deep breath before responding. If you feel you don’t have the information, be honest and ask if you can revisit the question.
It shows honesty and a desire to get to the right answer, rather than a knee-jerk response.
This is a talent that will serve you well in customer service.
If you want to grab the best Customer Service vacancies get off your perch and visit s1jobs.