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How to write a CV & Cover Letter to stand out!

How to write a CV & Cover Letter to stand out!

Posted 27 May

Writing a CV that stands out can be a challenge – even if you’re a master of what you do. You may feel like the perfect candidate for a role, but if your CV doesn’t hit the mark there’s a chance you won’t even be given the opportunity to prove yourself.


Questions to Ask at the end of an Interview

Questions to Ask at the end of an Interview

Posted 27 May

It can be tough to know what questions to ask at the end of an interview. To avoid getting caught out on the spot it’s best to have a variety of questions up your sleeve.


How to Write a Resignation Letter

How to Write a Resignation Letter

Posted 27 May

So, you’ve been offered a new job and have signed on the dotted line to accept. Now all that is standing in between you and your shiny new role is handing in your resignation letter to your current employer.
