Bark is worse than bite: how to deal with an angry caller

Dealing with angry callers as a Call & Contact Centre worker is just like dealing with buzzing noises as a beekeeper.

Unless you want to get stung, it’s wise not to overreact and start flapping. Instead it’s best to learn how to handle these little exchanges with a calm manner.

Small_Call_2At s1jobs we know you only want to help and we want to help you.

So here are five ways to help to calm Mr Incandescent and Mrs Furious, while boosting the quality of your service.


1. Roll With It

When faced with an exploding pressure cooker, no good can come of trying to stop hot steam escaping by wrapping your arms around it.

Similarly, don’t try to stifle a caller with calming words or by hitting the hold button when they’re releasing their anger. The end result will be painful for both of you.

Instead, give the caller time to vent. Often just a couple of minutes of sound and fury will be followed by an apologetic tone and the space to allow you to solve their problem.


2. Mark Your Boundaries

Sometimes a customer’s concerns are expressed in the kind of language that would make a pirate’s parrot blush.

If your timbers are shivered by an abusive and threatening tone or salty swearing, follow your company guidelines. Usually, these will allow you to terminate the call.


3. Don’t Take the Bait

As a new call handler it won’t be long before you’re contacted by a professional moaner. This is the person whose mission in life is to goad you and make you feel uncomfortable until you crumble.

It’s important you don’t respond in kind. Staying calm will prevent the situation from escalating so ignore the jibe talk and focus only on the real issues.


4. Don’t be Defensive

Remember it’s not your job to make excuses on behalf of the company, even when an angry caller makes you feel you’re being attacked.

It’s your mission to cut through the bluster and help solve the problem. Putting excuses in the way can only escalate things.


5. Put Yourself in Their Shoes

Imagine it was you making the call. Okay, you may have better anger management but asking yourself how you’d you like to be treated in the customer’s situation will help you empathise.

Being on the same wavelength will work wonders in bringing calm and focus.


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