Body Language Interview Tips

Body language and how to present yourself in an interview

How we carry and present ourselves has a big impact on how others perceive us.  It’s an important part of impressing the person you’re being interviewed by. Some of the best ways to make sure you’re coming across in an impressive manner include:

  • Dressing to impress

    How someone chooses to dress themselves – especially for something as important as a job interview – says a lot about them. As such, your employer is likely to make an early judgement call based on what you’re wearing. While a full suit isn’t a necessity, it’s wise to dress smartly. A sloppy appearance can tell a lot about a person.

  • Making eye contact

    Looking into someone’s eyes shows you’re engaged and interested in what’s being said. If being interviewed by more than one person It’s good to address whoever asked a question, while sporadically looking at the other interviewers, to show you also want their attention. Just remember not to hold eye contact for more than a few seconds. Intense staring is more likely to be off-putting than endearing.

  • Sitting upright

    Sitting straight with your chest out and chin up has been proven to naturally increase your confidence levels. If the position feels awkward to you, try practising it at home ahead of time. What’s more, this stance also helps encourage a powerful voice, as it places no restrictions on your diaphragm or vocal cords.

  • Hellos and goodbyes

    When you greet and say farewell to someone, you leave a mark. Make sure to give a friendly smile, make direct eye contact, and shake their hand if they offer theirs to you. Mirroring their form of greeting is a good way to help them feel comfortable, while subconsciously showing non-verbal communication signals that you’re on the same wavelength.

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