Caring for the customer

Did you know there’s a subtle difference between customer service and customer care?

Chris McLellan thumbnailCustomer Service is the advice a company gives about its products or services, usually by answering incoming calls and emails. The goal is to inform and advise, thereby raising the level of customer satisfaction.

Customer care, on the other hand, is all about how well customers are taken care of: they may need extra help in understanding how everything works. Here the goal is to go the extra mile and create a stronger link by building an emotional connection.

Together, however, they add up to the customer experience.

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In his role for one of the UK’s largest land maintenance companies, Chris McLellan is on the front line of both customer service and customer care – and therefore an expert in delivering customer experience.

Working for a company that has offices in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland and almost 60,000 customers on new home developments, there’s no lack of personal experience to be gained too.

Chris explains: “It doesn’t matter whether it’s right now – in the middle of the prime growing season on all of our sites – or in the midst of winter, there are always ways I can reach out to inform customers, as well as respond to their inquiries.

“As a company, from the off we’re guided to believe in working closely with residents and to always take their views into account. That’s why, as well as a team to answer their queries, we provide an interactive IT system and a website to provide up-to-date information.”

Chris says customers who use the company’s support in person, over the phone or online, offer feedback of 97% satisfaction rating after interacting. That’s an incredible record: so what are the main topics of conversation?

“There can be many different types of inquiry,” says Chris. “Most of the questions will be focused on the actual maintenance around homes but there can also be billing queries. We don’t sell products so there’s never any sales pitch in the customer experience – the focus is on providing answers and taking feedback to further improve our services.”

So why did Chris choose this particular job?

“The role covers such a wide range of services it’s constantly throwing up new challenges. We maintain landscapes, woodland, water features and children’s play areas but we also take care of insurance, new and evolving legislation and continually liaise with local authorities, community bodies and residents’ associations.

“There aren’t many roles in customer service where you get to enjoy covering the career-boosting variety of so many specialisms!”

When you’re working with nature, there must be particular challenges thrown up?

Yes, sometimes things will go wrong, such as potential storm damage to trees: that’s why we also have a 24/7 emergency line.

“For non-urgent matters, if a customer is feeling frustrated, the first priority is to persuade them you’re 100% there to help.

“There’s also a continual evolution going on in the way companies interact with customers: it’s no longer just about face-to-face meetings or phone calls. They’re still important of course, but increasingly we’re seeing social media – in particular sites such as Facebook – become a major part of our customer care strategy.

“By posting regularly on social media we can keep everyone up to date with news and events. We can also respond directly to messages and, if necessary, channel these to the relevant department, whether that’s customer care, operations or billing.”

Chris pinpoints good communication as the top skill needed for his role, adding: The ability to move outside of yourself and see the situation from the customer’s point of view is important too. That way you can much more quickly focus on what needs to be done. At first, this can be tough but it’s something you learn and can improve on with every new interaction.

“The great thing is we have a customer care charter that offers a framework and supports our work. Essentially it means we strive at all times to deal with enquiries honestly, fairly and politely, while giving accurate advice and information.

“At the heart of this is taking into account the individual’s needs: listening to what customers have to say and fully engaging with them.”

Chris admits sometimes this means dealing with requests that are quite left field.

“I have been asked why a customer’s grass hadn’t been cut that week – it was mid-January and much of the UK was covered in snow!”

Of course, not all customer-facing jobs are office-based. Have you ever fancied a service role that involves getting out and about?

Well, Chris’s colleague Nick Upton is the company’s customer liaison officer and it’s his job to reach out to new homeowners on developments throughout England and Wales.

“I often meet a developer and their site agent in the morning then that same afternoon I’ll be introducing myself to residents, taking them on a walkabout or even chairing a meeting in a local venue.

“Occasionally, especially if it’s a smaller development, I may meet residents individually, introducing myself and asking if they’ve any questions.

“At meetings I always begin by giving a presentation of our services, with further background information as we go along.

“We can then discuss in more detail the various components of the development and the annual management charge, along with the services provided by our contractors.”

As with so many customer-facing missions, there’s a need for teamwork – any concerns not possible to address immediately Nick takes back to the team and returns to residents as soon as possible with the required information.

“On other days I can find myself working with residents’ associations and attending community days, such as gala events and organised litter picks. It’s fun to be in the community and working hands-on. That’s why I love being out and about and meeting local groups.”

If meeting Chris and Nick has inspired you to begin your own journey into the world of customer service and customer care, you can learn more by exploring the latest vacancies on s1jobs .