Free CV Template

Free CV Template

A CV (Curriculum Vitae), or Resume, is a document that provides a summary of your education, work experience, skills, and achievements. These are essential to finding a new job but can be difficult to start…

Not to worry, the CV template provided below is a general guideline that can be adapted to suit your needs. Remember to customise it according to your background, career goals, and the specific requirements of the job you’re targeting.

Additionally, make sure to keep your CV concise, clear, and well-organised.


CV Template

[Your Name]


[City, Postal Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


A motivated and adaptable professional seeking employment in [industry/field] in Scotland. With a strong work ethic and a passion for [relevant skills/industry], I am eager to contribute to a dynamic organization and contribute to its success.


Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

Strong problem-solving abilities and attention to detail.

Proficient in [relevant software/tools].

Ability to work effectively in a team and independently.

Strong time management and organisational skills.


[Job Title] [Company/Organisation], [City, Country] [Dates of Employment]

Bullet point description of responsibilities and achievements in this role.

[Job Title] [Company/Organisation], [City, Country] [Dates of Employment]

Bullet point description of responsibilities and achievements in this role.

[Job Title] [Company/Organisation], [City, Country] [Dates of Employment]

Bullet point description of responsibilities and achievements in this role.

Additional Experience/Volunteer Work: [List any relevant experience or volunteer work that showcases your skills and strengths.]

Education: [Degree] in [Field of Study] [University/Institution], [Location] [Year of Graduation]

Certifications: [List any relevant certifications or professional training you have obtained.]

References: Available upon request.


Note: Personalise the template by adding or removing sections based on your specific circumstances and the job requirements. Customise the bullet points under each experience section to highlight your accomplishments and responsibilities. Ensure the information you provide is accurate and up to date.

Remember to tailor your CV to each job application, emphasising the skills and experiences that align with the position you’re applying for. Good luck with your job search!

Alternatively, you can build your CV by filling out your s1jobs profile – try now!

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