How to behave at your work Christmas party!

With the festive season fast approaching, work Christmas parties are also looming.
Save your dignity and your job with our top tips!

Dress Appropriately

Yes, your work Christmas party is a time to let your hair down and relax with your colleagues, but remember to dress appropriately. This is still a work event. Avoid overly casual or provocative clothing unless the event has a specific dress code!

Don’t get steamin’!

Watch your alcohol intake. Everyone’s tongue gets a little bit looser after a few drinks, but telling that co-worker what you really think about them will not help your hangover the next day. Excessive drinking can lead to unprofessional behaviour, and you don’t want to affect your professional image!

Mindful conversations

Keep conversations with your colleagues positive and mindful. Keep the convo light and festive. Don’t talk about money or salaries, and avoid anything too personal, like politics, religion, or overly personal anecdotes. No one wants that energy at a party!

Follow Company Policies

Your company still has values and rules that they’ll expect you to follow. Don’t bend the rules and embarrass yourself or your company when you’re out and about!

Be Respectful and Inclusive

In or out of work, remember to always be respectful and inclusive. Respect your colleagues’ diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and preferences.

Remember that a work Christmas party is still a professional setting, and it’s important to maintain a level of professionalism. Enjoy the festive atmosphere but do so with respect and consideration for your colleagues and the company culture.

Happy partying!