How to relax before an Interview

Just relax… If only it was that simple. It’s perfectly understandable to be nervous before an interview – especially if the role is something you really care about.

Nerves are normal and it brings an added stress that is natural to have. If you find yourself beginning to feel anxious at any point before you sit down, be sure to keep this handy advice in mind:

Exercise in the morning

While you might think exercise will leave you feeling exhausted, a light jog or even some yoga is more likely to boost adrenaline and endorphin levels – leaving you feeling energised and in a positive frame of mind for your interview. Just make sure not to overdo it. A 10km run is more likely to drain you than a quick jog around the block, for example.

Allow for mistakes

The chances of everything going exactly to plan in an interview are slim to none. If you accept that there will be highs and lows throughout the meeting, you’ll reduce the amount of expectation and pressure you’re placing on yourself. In turn, this can help you to relax and be your natural self. Your interviewer knows this and allows for leeway.

Make plans for after the interview

If you’re particularly nervous, try to make plans for something fun to do after the interview. This may lessen the potential anxiety of the day as a whole. Rather than waking up feeling uneasy, you’ll view it as a healthy challenge to overcome before your exciting plans. However, give ample between your interview and your next appointment.

Meditate and breathe

Breathing exercises are a great way to calm yourself down and naturally relax. They lower our heart rate and help us to reduce tension throughout our body. If you’re able to, you can also take some time to have a quiet moment of internal contemplation. This can help you stay grounded and focused, without allowing your thoughts to race.

Now don’t you feel more calm, cool and collected for your interview?