The Jedi Knight’s Guide to Sales Success

The sales sector can be more demanding than a motoring journalist in a steak house. It’s also competitive, fast-paced and dependent for ultimate success on so much more than simply what you’re selling.

Your job, of course, is to convince people not only that your product or service really is the only one to buy  . . . but also you are the only one to buy it from.

No easy task, especially when not in your own back yard but in a galaxy far, far away.

But where there are potential sales, there is potential success. And by following these key techniques, you can help boost your chances of transforming the possible into the probable.

Yoda (1)
Double glazing have I. Considered have you?

Shy not to be, young Jedi

The movers and shakers in sales will tell you that confidence is key. They’ll tell you this while shaking your one hand in two of theirs, beaming like a beatific saint, and squaring their shoulders and judo wrestle your ego into the floor.

You see, they’ll say in an enunciated, fully measured voice, you must stand out, be confident, believe in yourself and your presentation.

People, the real power is

People don’t buy in to products anywhere near as much as they buy into people. So don’t be a stereotypical salesperson – even if you suspect you might be.

Give the customer the chance to talk. Ask them the right questions and focus on their needs, not yours. This means you can cater the sales package to them  . . . and sell them what they want.

A room without a roof it is like

Yes, be happy! Using essential sales techniques is made that much easier if you’re confident. But by being more in control of your business encounters, you’ll also find that you enjoy yourself more too. And you should never underestimate how important your own sense of fun can be to sales success.

Your enemy know

A dedicated and diverse knowledge of your products is a must, but it’s also just as important to know your competitor’s. Knowing the benefits of what the competition offers is important, especially for promoting your own brand, but knowledge of rival products will also arm you with knowledge about their flaws. A mighty weapon in your arsenal to have.

Prepared you must be

Organisation is key. Plan your day and your week and your month properly and you can make every second count. Equally vital is to track your progress and your results, and find out where you’re going wrong and improve on it. If you take this seriously, you’ll see first-hand your results growing. Putting work in off the sales pitch is just as important as the experience on. Also, learn from your mistakes; every salesperson makes them.

Human are we or dancer?

How you deal with objections and rejections will define your sales career. Anticipate these. Clarify, repeat, pause, spin, pivot. Yes, now you are a dancer in the ballet of sales. Evaluate previous rejections, and deliver personal and creative counters. Listen to explanations but make sure you have a logical response. Keep sharp and be politely persistent. You want customers to like you, so don’t give them a chance to go off you. Each customer is different, so cater your sales pitch to each by observing and asking questions.

Use the Force!

When you’re in sales, you are selling everything. Your product, your style, your personality and your price. Consider that during every pitch. These techniques are the nub of sales success and improvement. By carefully applying them, you can rub squared shoulders with the best, and secure that dream sale once, twice, many times. Finally, remain calm when you close; don’t let a sale slip because you simply got too giggly and excited. You are in control, young Jedi, remember to use the Force!

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