Jobhunting 101: Telephone Interview Tips

When companies are hiring, they often have a pile of work to do and don’t want to hang around. Some start searching for the ideal employee by interviewing applicants over the phone. This may be quick and convenient for them, but it can be daunting for you. Being unable to see the interviewer and gauge their reactions fazes some applicants.

However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Here’s how to tackle telephone interviews and convince the person at the other end of the line that you’re the one for the job.

Be prepared to interview over the phone

Arrange a time for the interview and be ready to take the call. It’s better to have the interview on a landline, but if you’ll be taking the call on your mobile phone, make sure you’ve fully charged it. Ensure that you won’t be interrupted or distracted, either.

Keep your CV by the phone so that you can consult it during the interview. Though you probably know the details already, it doesn’t hurt to be able to refer to the same document and information as your prospective employer.

Do your research

Study the job description and learn what the post requires of you so that you can tailor your answers to the interviewer’s questions — and, importantly, to the job itself. Of course, you should also research your potential employer (they almost always ask if you know anything about them). It’s useful to visit LinkedIn and find out a little about the interviewer themselves too.

Think about the type of questions that the interviewer may ask you — and how you might answer. This is particularly so with competency-based interviews. You should also have your own questions prepared for the interviewer. This shows interest in the job and in the employer themselves. To boot, you also demonstrate you have a bit of initiative.

Treat the interview as if it was face-to-face

Dress as if you were attending the interview face to face, which will put you in a more formal frame of mind. Looking smart will make you feel more confident about yourself too, which translates into a better interview performance. You wouldn’t roll up to an interview in your pyjamas and dressing for the part is just as essential over the phone.

Smile while you speak

Smiling while you speak will help you to convey a greater impression of confidence and a relaxed attitude (you want to seem cool under pressure, don’t forget). You can also help yourself if you wear a headset, which allows you to concentrate on the interview and take notes, rather than on wedging the receiver between your head and shoulder to scribble information down.

Be enthusiastic

tele2Show enthusiasm during the interview but try to pace yourself so that you sound articulate and can be clearly understood. Remember that they may also be taking notes while you’re speaking, so don’t panic if they don’t reply to your answers immediately. Listen carefully when they do and if you don’t understand, politely ask them to repeat their statement or question.

A telephone interview may be a nerve-racking prospect, but it doesn’t have to be. Prepare as much as possible, so that you give yourself the best chance of success. The more ready you are, the more relaxed you can be; and the more relaxed you are, you’ll be that bit closer to clinching the job.


Images by comedy_nose and garryknight, used under Creative Commons licence.