How to keep calm and carry on

Leave your shoes and worries at the door is a great mantra to live by but not everyone can do it. The worries bit, that is. Kicking off shoes is a doddle.


It’s far easier to shut the office door on a pile of paperwork than on an ill patient or struggling client.

All workers have stresses and strains but working in the social care sector requires an emotional involvement, which is often hard to leave at clocking-off time.

Dealing with vulnerable people coupled with deadlines and budgets means anxiety is often a symptom for today’s care professionals.

An ageing population means more care workers are needed to meet growing demand and s1jobs’ care sector vacancies is proof of that.

To enable care workers to do their job properly and enjoy their lives outside of work, its vital stress is managed properly.

So we’ve compiled top tips on how to help you keep calm and carry on. You’d be a mug not to.


Find some time for yourself

It’s 3pm and you’ve not yet found the time to have a cuppa. Sound familiar? Take ten minutes right now to enjoy a break. Step outside for a breather. Your head will feel clearer when you return.


Look after yourself

Getting enough sleep and eating well are good starting points but exercise is a great way to reduce anxiety. A walk round the block or a gentle swim can do you the world of good, releasing endorphins to make you feel happier than a room without a roof.


Connect with people

Seek out your care work colleagues and have a good blether. Someone who understands your workload can be helpful – equally, so are friends who can offer a fresh perspective on your situation.


Enjoy life outside of work

It’s vital to seek out activities that make you happy – not just for yourself but for the clients who rely on your caring and contented nature.


Learn to let go

Accept you can’t do it all – there will be things you are unable to change. If you can ask for help or delegate work, do so.


Focus on the positives

Negative thinking is a big no-no for stress levels so take time to reflect on the positive aspects of your life. When travelling home don’t mull over the anxieties of the day. Think about the good stuff and celebrate your successes.


For all the latest social services, housing and childcare vacancies visit s1jobs