Redundancy: A Guide to Bouncing Back Stronger

Redundancy is a transitional phase that can impact both your personal and professional life. It can be a challenging and uncertain time and it’s important to acknowledge the emotional impact, seek support, and approach the situation with a proactive mindset. While it might be a setback, it can also be an opportunity to forge a new path that aligns more closely with your aspirations and values.

In this article, we’ll share the most important steps to take following redundancy to guide you in adjusting to change, discovering new job opportunities, and fostering growth by overcoming obstacles.

Give yourself time to process

It’s natural to feel a mix of emotions, including shock, disappointment, anger, and even relief. Take some time to process your feelings before making any major decisions.

Assess your finances

Evaluate your financial situation and create a budget to understand your expenses and how long your savings can sustain you.

Review your budget for areas where you can cut back. While it’s important to maintain essentials, look for non-essential expenses that can be temporarily reduced or eliminated.

If you have an emergency fund, evaluate whether tapping into it is necessary. Emergency funds are meant for unexpected situations, and periods of unemployment might qualify as such.

By understanding your financial situation, prioritising essential expenses, and exploring available resources, you can navigate this challenging period more effectively and make informed decisions about your financial well-being.

Apply for unemployment benefits

If you’re eligible, apply for unemployment benefits such as Job Seekers Allowance as soon as possible. These benefits can provide you with temporary financial support while you search for your next opportunity.

Reflect and reassess

Use this time to reflect on your career goals, strengths, and areas for growth. Consider whether this could be an opportunity to transition to a new role or industry that aligns better with your aspirations.

Update your CV and online presence

Update your CV and professional online platforms, ensuring you highlight the skills, achievements, and experiences that make you a strong candidate in your field and that your contact details are up to date.

Consider activating the “Open to Work” feature on your LinkedIn profile. Doing so can increase your visibility among relevant job postings and recruitment searches and can lead to more candid conversations during networking events or when connecting with recruiters.

Register for a free account with s1jobs. Upload your CV and set up personalised job alerts. With s1jobs, you can apply for jobs faster, anywhere, anytime with a stored CV, and we use AI technology to do the job searching for you!

Stay positive and maintain a routine

Staying positive can be challenging but maintaining a routine can help. Set daily goals, continue to engage in activities you enjoy, and take care of your physical and mental well-being.

Remember that self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for maintaining your overall well-being. It’s about nurturing yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Whether it’s taking a walk, reading a book, practicing a hobby, or simply setting aside time for relaxation, prioritise self-care as an essential part of your routine while unemployed. It’ll not only benefit your current situation, but also support your long-term resilience and personal growth.


Networking can lead to valuable insights and potential job leads. Platforms like LinkedIn are powerful tools for professional networking.

Create a detailed profile, connect with relevant individuals, and engage in conversations within your industry.

Inform your network about your situation and let them know you’re open to new opportunities. Networking can lead to valuable insights and potential job leads.

Explore training and education

If you’re considering a career change or want to enhance your skills, this could be an opportunity to take online courses, workshops, or certifications to boost your qualifications.

Here are a few platforms and institutions that are known to provide free online courses in Scotland:

Job search strategically

Tailor your job search to roles that align with your skills, interests, salary expectations and geographical location. Apply for positions that are a good match and customise your application and cover letter for each opportunity.

Volunteer or freelance

Consider engaging in volunteer work or freelance projects related to your field. This will not only keep you active, but will also add valuable experience to your CV. Search for volunteer opportunities on s1jobs.

Consider part-time or temporary work

If you need to bridge the financial gap, consider taking on part-time or temporary work while you continue your job search.

Part-time roles allow you to stay engaged in your field, industry, or profession, ensuring you remain up to date with trends and developments.

Part-time and temporary roles can also serve as a testing ground for potential new career paths or industries without committing to a full-time position.

Search for part-time jobs.

Practice interviewing

Familiarise yourself with different interview styles and common interview questions in your field.

Use your smartphone or webcam to record your answers to common interview questions. Review the recordings to analyse your body language, communication style, and content delivery.

LinkedIn Learning and Udemy offer interview preparation courses taught by industry experts, covering various interview formats and techniques.

You’ll also find loads of interview tips, including common interview questions and interviewing techniques, here on the s1jobs Career Hub.

Seek support

Reach out to friends, family, support groups, or career coaches who can provide encouragement, advice, and a listening ear during this period.

Stay informed

Keep up with industry trends, news, and developments in your field. Being informed can help you tailor your job search strategy and show potential employers that you’re up to date. Visit the s1jobs’ Career Hub—your go-to resource for industry insight and expert guidance on navigating the Scottish job market.

Stay persistent

The job search process can take time, and rejection is a normal part of it. Create a job search plan, including a schedule for applying, networking, and following up. Staying organised can help you feel more in control and less overwhelmed. Stay persistent, keep refining your approach, and learn from each experience.

Remember that redundancy is not a reflection of your worth or abilities. It’s a common occurrence, especially in today’s challenging economic landscape. Use this time as an opportunity to grow, learn, and find a path that aligns with your career goals and values—and remember, you’re not alone. By embracing resilience, staying proactive, and leveraging the support around you, you can turn this setback into a stepping stone towards new opportunities and personal growth.