s1jobs turns 18!

Today is s1jobs’ 18th birthday! Yes, we’re now old enough to vote, get a tattoo and, most importantly, have a drink!

birthday pic  smallSince 2001, s1jobs.com has grown to become not only Scotland’s no.1 job site but also a trusted and relevant source of information for its 800,000 users.

The user friendly site offers handy career tips and industry specific articles, as well as career guidance to get jobseekers prepared for everything from starting their search, applying, interview preparation and finally landing that new job.  In addition, s1jobs.com is mobile responsive, making it even easier for users to apply whilst on the go as their perfect job is just a few clicks away.

Many of s1jobs’ users have grown up with the brand and will easily recognise some of the older iconic campaigns including, ‘Lavvy Heid’, ‘Davey Knows’ and ‘s1jobs gives you the horn’.

This year has seen the continuation of our ‘Unicorns exist’ campaign with its eye-catching merry-go-round – which you may have already noticed online, outdoor and across press titles such as The Evening Times and The Herald.

However, one thing is for sure, the most important constant that has remained across the years is the focus on putting jobseekers at the heart of everything we do.

So let’s raise a glass to 18 successful years as Scotland’s no.1 job site and to many more years of helping jobseekers find the best jobs in Scotland.

Search all the latest vacancies now at s1jobs.