Six steps to making partner

It doesn’t matter what level you’re at in your accountancy career, at s1jobs you’ll find opportunities to move on up.

Small_Accountancy_1But what if it isn’t just reaching the next rung on the ladder that sees you arrive early in the mornings and last to leave the office at night? What if your goal is to make partner?

Well, it’s never too early to set your sights high but if you’re aiming to reach the top rung, it’s no good crossing your fingers and hoping for the best.

You need to be smart. You need to be strategic. You need a plan.

Not every firm offers clear guidance on how to get to the top, so you’ll have to navigate part of this journey for yourself – but once you focus on what you want it will become easier to spot opportunities you may otherwise have missed.

Putting in the hours at the office is essential, but you also have to see the bigger picture and recognise where your efforts will have the greatest impact.

So here are some positive steps that will set you on your path. 

1. Choose a practice with a proactive approach to training. Companies that invest in their staff are also good at spotting talent and you want to shine.


2. Don’t be scared of competition. Are there others in your office with similar ambitions? Good. Your professional abilities will only improve if they’re tested by healthy rivalry.


3. Don’t be shy. Be vocal about your ambitions. Let the company know you have leadership aspirations.


4. Sign up for the ICAS (Incorporation of Chartered Accounts of Scotland) Professional Development Programme. This can offer you training, qualifications, leadership guidance and a mentor.


5. Recognise that as partner you will be running a business, so look for every opportunity to widen your skills base and experience. As a partner you will be involved in HR, IT, staff management and company culture so learn about these as soon as you can.


6. Understand the advances in technology that have had an impact on accountancy, because these are the tip of the iceberg compared to what’s around the corner. Artificial Intelligence looks set to take over some number-crunching functions, but to harness its potential you need to embrace it. Get ahead of this loop and you will be an invaluable asset.


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