Buy into the best

For the past few months it’s been all change on the High Street but, in the midst of the upheaval, some brands are so buoyant you’d think they were selling helium.

retail 1So what is it about the standout retailers that makes them so successful?

Take the s1jobs tour of what the best and brightest names are up to . . . then check out the latest retail vacancies and plot your own career path for the year ahead.

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More speed

Top retailers don’t hang about. They change their stock as fast as Usain Bolt changes his socks, adding new lines, creating a buzz about what’s new and enticing customers to come back time and again.

What’s fresh on Friday has been snapped up by Sunday, making way for new stock on Monday.


More comfort

From electronics stores that have lowered their shelves, making it easier for customers to spot things that interest them across a sea of washing machines and vacuum cleaners, to destination furniture departments with sofas that you can lounge on before you buy them, what’s not to love about new style stores?

These are the sorts of places you go to hang out and come away with a lot more than you went in for.


More smarts

Pin-sharp, clued-up sales assistants have it covered. Want that in a different colour, in a whole other size and with pink spots? They’ll make it happen.

Can’t work out which tablet will solve your connectivity headaches? You don’t have to ask twice.

Fabulous staff who know their products inside out are in huge demand.


More options

Surf on the sofa, buy on the bus, pop in to a pop-up and try something on for size . . . it’s not about one way of shopping over another its about joining them all up so customers can find what they want round the clock.

That includes surfing online from their office desk or on a Saturday shopping trip with friends.


More ethics

Questions are being asked and these shops have all the answers – from sourcing sustainable ingredients, paying proper wages and sending customers out the door with recyclable packaging.

They aren’t waiting around for pressure to be applied from the green lobby. Instead they are leading the way and setting the standards others are scrambling to follow.


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