Make yourself accountable

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Britain’s financial watchdog the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has promised a bite worse than its bark by commissioning an independent review on action against business shenanigans.

Accountancy_1_ac_SmallThe review, which will be conducted by an independent panel, follows on from calls last month that would allow the FRC more powers to punish company directors caught up in financial reporting breaches.

While we all do our best to keep our finances in check, sometimes it’s inevitable we breach our own codes of conduct when it comes to personal spending.

That’s why, despite Granny Ina’s words of wisdom regarding pounds and pennies, a little financial spring-cleaning is always a sterling idea.

Here we give you some top tips on ways to audit your own finances – and get yourself ship shape for a new job in accountancy.


Take stock

Last month saw the start of a new financial year, so now is the best time to have a look at how your money is working for you.

Is that ISA really the best deal? Private pension payments up-to-date? Is there a current account that offers a better deal for you? There are comparison sites aplenty to help you shop around with ease – and at the same time build your knowledge for helping clients.


Go figure

Alas, most of us have credit cards or loans to pay off. Consolidating loans and setting up realistic payment plans are options here, and there are free advisory services available to help figure out a plan of action.

Facing up to what we owe can be scarier than a Boris Johnson’s wardrobe malfunction, but getting to grips with creditors is a must if you want to balance the books – and be in a stress-free position to help others do the same.


Go lean

Do you really need a super-duper digital TV package when all you watch is Corrie? Is your internet provider charging you fibre-optic prices for dial-up connection speeds?

Household outgoings should be carefully scrutinised – there are many ways to minimise spending while maximising what you get in return. Gas, electricity, phone/internet and TV should all be considered.


As well as helping sort out finances, investment opportunities and taxes, finance experts can also offer impartial, confidential advice about all things money – so now you have your own house in order, let’s go check out the latest Accountancy vacancies now on s1jobs.