How to wing it and win it

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For every thousand admin professionals in Scotland there is one who stands out from the crowd through their willingness to think differently.

Admin_2_SmallNot for you the mundane world of the nine-to-five same old, same old.

Yes, you’ve discovered the liberating joy of winging it!


Think out of the box

While planning is an important part of the day job in admin sometimes life has other ways of wanting things done. Making an effort to think out of the box when plans suddenly go up in the air will allow you to stay in control and better manage the situation.

That’s why on-the-hoof thinking and impromptu problem solving are admin skills that are highly sought after by employers.


Dare to be different

You don’t have to be speed skater Elise Christie or cyclist Mark Beaumont to nurture your sense of adventure in the office. When you’re not afraid to try new ways of doing things, innovation and efficiency can be the ultimate outcome.

Creativity is your friend not your enemy. Just because ‘it’s always been done this way’ doesn’t mean your new way of doing it won’t bring benefits.

Many admin professionals feel stuck in a rut in their jobs simply because they haven’t allowed themselves to mix it up a little.


Just say what you mean

You can’t enjoy a great working relationship with your colleagues and managers by sticking to a carefully crafted script every day.

With so many departments in the company, as well as clients and customers, all linked directly to you it’s important your communication skills encompass the ability to be spontaneous.

So long as you’re polite, people respect an admin pro who cuts to the chase in order to help get things done quickly and properly.


Never follow the crowd

Don’t let anyone tell you winging it means you have no clear career path of your own. Very often personal and professional development comes from following unexpected roads – even wrong turns can teach valuable lessons and ultimately lead you to the best outcome.

In this sense winging it is not so much about making it up as you go along as making things happen while others go with the flow, keeping their heads down and one foot in front of the other.

What better way to plan a fine career in admin than to experiment with different roles and seek out new challenges?


Now let’s win it by winging it straight to s1jobs and the best Admin vacancies.